
庞拂飞 教授,博士生导师,博士















2013.6-                      tyc1286太阳集团 通信与信息工程学院                         教授

2008.6-2013.5            tyc1286太阳集团 通信与信息工程学院                       副研究员

2010.7-2011.7            澳大利亚新南威尔士大学                                 国家公派访问学者

2006.6-2008.5            tyc1286太阳集团 通信与信息工程学院                       讲师

2001.9-2006.6            中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所             获博士学位














Ø  SCI期刊《Nature Communications》、《Scientific Reports》《Sensor and Actuator B: Chemical》、《IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology》、《IEEE Photonics technology letters》、《Optics Express》等评阅人


1.      国家自然科学基金重点项目,单芯多通道光涡旋长距离传输光纤关键制备技术(61635006),2017.01-2021.12

2.      国家重大仪器专项课题,光纤传感器微结构设计及封装工艺研究(2016YFF0100603       2016-2018

3.      国家自然科学基金优青项目:特种光纤材料与技术(61422507),2015.01-2017.12

4.      上海市科委重点项目:电力电缆局放声发射光纤传感监测技术研究(14DZ1201403),2014.07-2016.06,已验收

5.      上海市科委重点项目:面向大型光伏电站群的智能物联网技术研发(14511105602),2014.07-2016.06,已验收

6.      上海市教委科研创新项目-重点项目:光印刷背板互连光波导理论及关键技术研究(14ZZ093),2014.01-2016.12,已结题

7.      上海市科委重点支撑项目:面向电力系统安全的相干光时域反射光纤传感技术(13510500300),2013.06-2015.06,已验收

8.      国家自然科学基金面上项目:稀磁半导体量子点掺杂石英磁光光纤研究(61275090),2013.01-2016.12,已结题

9.      上海市科委“科技启明星”人才项目:包层模谐振光纤折射率和温度双参量传感关键技术研究(10QA14026002010.04-2012.03),已验收

10.  国家自然基金青年基金项目:温度不敏感包层模谐振特种光纤传感机理研究(608070312009.01-2011.12),已结题

11.  上海市教委创新项目:渐逝波激发量子点集成波导光放大器研究(10YZ122010.01-2011.12),已结题

12.  上海市教育发展基金会“晨光计划”人才项目:包层模谐振特种光纤的理论、制备及特性研究(2007CG542007.11-2009.12),已结题

13.  上海市教委创新项目:溶胶-凝胶材料包覆微球谐振腔传感器(06AZ0322007.1-2008.12),已结题


Ø  本科专业基础课《电路与电子线路基础1》;新生研讨课《智能光纤,感知世界》;研究生课程《通信与信息技术进展》。


Ø  已毕业硕士研究生:梁文斌(2006级);刘奂奂2007级);刘伦刚、章健(2008级);蓝鲁刚、周亭(2009级);陈石琼、吴利波(2010级);陈莉、赵颖、马宵(2011级);徐慧、冯业彬、顾鑫(2012级)。贺梦婷、陈鹏飞、郭丽丽(2013级);洪琳、张统治、屠天禺、王建辉(2014级)。

Ø  在读博士研究生:杨俊锋(2015级),马章微(2016级),陈丽飞(2017级)

Ø  在读硕士研究生: 徐金、李先进、吕龙宝(2015级);黄蕾霖、肖磊、郑浩强、李鲁川(2016级)。

Ø  奂奂的硕士论文被评为“2011年上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)”。

Ø  赵颖的硕士论文被评为“2015年上海市研究生优秀成果(学位论文)”。


1.       Shuangfeng Yu, Fufei Pang*, Huanhuan Liu, Xianjin Li, Junfeng Yang, and Tingyun Wang, Compositing orbital angular momentum beams in Bi4Ge3O12 crystal for magnetic field sensing, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2017, 111, 091107

2.       Hong Lin, Pang FF*, Liu HH, Xu J, Chen ZY, Zhao ZW, Wang TY, Refractive Index Modulation by Crystallization in Sapphire-Derived Fiber,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2017, 9: 723-726

3.       Zhang Y, Pang FF* , Liu HH , Jin XQ , Huang SJ , Li YC , Wen JX , Chen ZY, Wang M , Wan TY, Generation of the First-Order OAM Modes in Ring Fibers by Exerting Pressure Technology, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2017, 9(2):7101609

4.       Tu TY, Pang FF*, Zhu S, Cheng JJ , Liu HH, Wen JX, Wang TY , Excitation of Bloch surface wave on tapered fiber coated with one-dimensional photonic crystal for refractive index sensing, Optics Express, 2017, 25(8): 9019-9027

5.       Xu J, Liu HH , Pang FF* , Hong L , Ma ZW ,Zhao ZW , Chen N , Chen ZY, Wang TY, Cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometers in crystallized sapphire-derived fiber for temperature-insensitive filters, Optical Materials Express, 2017, 7(4): 1406-1413

6.       Pang FF* , He MT , Liu HH* , Mei XW ,Tao JM , Zhang TZ , Zhang XB, Chen N  ,Wang TY , A Fading-Discrimination Method for Distributed Vibration Sensor Using Coherent Detection of phi-OTDR, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2016, 28(23): 2752-2755

7.       Jin XQ , Pang FF*, Zhang Y , Huang SJ , Li YC , Wen JX, Chen ZY , Wang M , Wang TY , Generation of the First-Order OAM Modes in Single-Ring Fibers by Offset Splicing Technology, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2016, 28(14): 1581-1584

8.       Zhang T , Pang F*, Liu H , Cheng J , Lv L, Zhang X, Chen N , Wang T , A Fiber-Optic Sensor for Acoustic Emission Detection in a High Voltage Cable System, Sensors, 2016, 16(12):2026

9.       Zhu S, Pang FF* , Huang SJ , Zou F, Guo Q, Wen JX, Wang TY , High Sensitivity Refractometer Based on TiO2-Coated Adiabatic Tapered Optical Fiber via ALD Technology, Sensors, 2016, 16(8):1295

10.   Dong YH, Wen JX, Pang FF, Luo YH, Peng GD, Chen ZY, Wang TY*, Formation and photoluminescence property of PbS quantum dots in silica optical fiber based on atomic layer deposition, Optical Materials Express, 2015, 5(4): 712-719

11.   Shan Zhu, Fufei Pang*, Sujuan Huang, Fang Zou, Yanhua Dong, and Tingyun Wang, High sensitivity refractive index sensor based on adiabatic tapered optical fiber deposited with nanofilm by ALD, Optics Express, 2015,23(11): 13880-13888

12.   Zhang SL, Zhao ZW, Chen N*, Pang FF, Chen ZY, Liu YQ, Wang TY, Temperature characteristics of silicon core optical fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer, Optics Letters, 2015, 40(7): 1362-1365

13.   Chen ZY*, Dai ZM, Chen N, Liu SP, Pang FF, Lu B, Wang TY, Gold Nanoparticles-Modified Tapered Fiber Nanoprobe for Remote SERS Detection, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2014, 26(8): 777-780

14.   Ying Zhao, Fufei Pang*, Yanhua Dong, Jianxiang Wen, Zhenyi Chen, and Tingyun Wang, Refractive index sensitivity enhancement of optical fiber cladding mode by depositing nanofilm via ALD technology, Optics Express, 2013,21(22): 26136- 26143

15.   Hairun Guo, Fufei Pang, Xianglong Zeng, Tingyun Wang, Gain characteristics of quantum dot fiber amplifier based on asymmetric tapered fiber coupler, Optical Fiber Technology, 2013, 19(2):143-147

16.   Hairun Guo, Fufei Pang, Xianglong Zeng, Tingyun Wang, PbS quantum dot fiber amplifier based on a tapered SMF fiber, Optics Communications, 2012, 285(13-14):3222-3227

17.   Fufei Pang*, Huanhuan Liu, Hairun Guo, Yunqi Liu, Xianglong Zeng, Na Chen, Zhenyi Chen, and Tingyun Wang, In-Fiber Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Based on Double Cladding Fibers for Refractive Index Sensor, IEEE Sensor Journal, 2011, 11(10): 2395 - 2400

18.   Fufei Pang*, Xiaolan Sun, Hairun Guo, Jiwen Yan, Jing Wang, Xianglong Zeng, and Zhenyi Chen, Tingyun Wang, A PbS quantum dots fiber amplifier excited by evanescent wave, Optics Express, 2010,18(13): 14024-14030

19.   Huanhuan Liu, Fufei Pang*, Hairui Guo, Wenxin Cao, Yunqi Liu, Na Chen, Zhenyi Chen, and Tingyun Wang, In-series double cladding fibers for simultaneous refractive index and temperature measurement, Optics Express, 2010,18(12): 13072-13082

20.   Fufei Pang*, Huanhuan Liu, Na Chen, Yunqi Liu, Xianglong Zeng, Zhenyi Chen and TingyunWang, Cladding-mode resonance of a double-cladding fiber at a near modal cut-off wavelength for RI sensing, Measurement Science and Technology, 2010,21(9): 094028

21.   Fufei Pang*, Wenbin Liang, Wenchao Xiang, Na Chen, Xianglong Zeng, Zhenyi Chen, and Tingyun Wang, Temperature-Insensitivity Bending Sensor Based on Cladding-Mode Resonance of Special Optical Fiber, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2009, 21(2):76-78

22.   Fufei Pang*, Huanhuan Liu, Na Chen, Yunqi Liu, Xianglong Zeng, Zhenyi Chen, Tingyun Wang, In-fiber Michelson interferometer based on double-cladding fiber for refractive index sensing, 20th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, Edinburgh, United kingdom, 2009

23.   Fufei Pang*, Huanhuan Liu, Na Chen, Yunqi Liu, Xianglong Zeng, Zhenyi Chen, Tingyun Wang, Fiber-optic refractive index sensor based on cladding-mode resonance, 20th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, Edinburgh, United kingdom, 2009

24.   Fufei Pang*, Wenchao Xiang, Hairun Guo, Na Chen, Xianglong Zeng, Zhenyi Chen, and Tingyun Wang, Special optical fiber for temperature sensing based on cladding-mode resonance, Optics Express, 2008,16(17):12967-12972

25.   Fufei Pang*, Xianglong Zeng, Zhenyi Chen and Tingyun Wang. Fabrication and characteristics of silica optical fiber doped with InP nano-semiconductor material. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2007(39):975–981.

26.   Pang Fufei*, Han Xiuyou, Chu Fenghong, Geng Jianxin, Cai Haiwen, Qu Ronghui and Fang Zujie. Sensitivity to alcohols of a planar waveguide ring resonator fabricated by a sol-gel method. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2007, 120(2):610-614.

27.   Pang Fufei*, Liu Feng, Han Xiuyou, Cai Haiwen, Qu Ronghui, and Fang Zujie. Analysis of a second-order polarization-independent filter made of a single ring resonator and a Sagnac interferometer. Optics Communications, 2006, 260(2):567-570.

28.   Fufei Pang*, Xianglong Zeng, Zhenyi Chen and Tingyun Wang. Fabrication and characteristics of optical fiber doped with nano-semiconductor material. ICMAT 2007 Symposium on Microstructured and Nanostructured Optical Fibers, July 2007, Singapore(Invited Paper).








Professor FuFei PangPH.D


B409 B-Building, Baoshan Campus(east area), Shanghai University

T511 Xiangying Building, Baoshan Campus(east area),Shanghai University

Mail Address(Zip Code)

No.333 Nanchen Road, Baoshan, Shanghai 200444 P.R.China








Fufei Pang received the Ph.D. degree in optical engineering from Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai China in 2006. He is currently a Professor of Shanghai University, Shanghai, China. From 2010 to 2011, he was with University of New South Wales, Australia, as a visiting scholar. He is author or co-author of over 100 papers in journals and conference papers, and authored 10 patents. His current research interests include special optical fibers, optical fiber sensors and optical waveguides for optical interconnect.


2013.6-present, Professor, School of Communication and Information Engineering, Shanghai University

2008.6-2013.5, Associate Professor, School of Communication and Information Engineering, Shanghai University

2010.7-2011.7, Visiting Scholar awarded by China Scholarship Council (CSC) in University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia,

2006.6-2008.5, Lecturer, School of Communication and Information Engineering, Shanghai University

2001.9-2006.6, Ph.D. in Optical Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS, Shanghai,


1.       Design and fabrication of special optical fibers;

2.       Optical fiber sensors;

3.       Optical waveguide for optical interconnect.


1.            Key Project of Shanghai Education Committee, “Research on the theory and technology of optical printed circuit board interconnect”(14ZZ093), 2014.1-2016.12, PI

2.            Key Project of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, “Coherent optical time domain reflectometry of optical fiber sensing technology for safety monitoring in electrical power system”(13510500300), 2013.06-2015.06, PI

3.            Natural Science Foundation of China, “Research on the diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum dot doped silica magneto-optic optical fiber”(61275090), 2013.01-2016.12, PI

4.            Shanghai “Rising-Star Program” Project, “Research on the key technologies of refractive index and temperature dual-parameter sensor based on cladding mode resonant special fibers” (10QA1402600), 2010-2012, PI

5.            Natural Science Foundation of China, “Research on sensing mechanics of the cladding-mode resonant special fiber with temperature insensitivity(60807031)”, 2009-2011, PI

6.           Project of Shanghai Education Committee, “Research on integrated optical waveguide quantum dots amplifier excited by evanescent wave”(10YZ12), 2010.01-2011.12, PI

7.            Shanghai “ChenGuang Program” Project, “Research on the fabrication technique of the cladding-mode resonant specialty optical fiber” (2007CG54), 2007-2009, PI

8.           Project of Shanghai Education Committee, “Microsphere resonator sensor coated by sol-gel material”(06AZ032), 2007.1-2008.12, PI


Fundamental electric and electronic circuits (for undergraduates)


Wenbin Liang (2009); Huanhuan Liu (2010); Lungang Liu, Jian Zhang (2011); Lugang Lan, Ting Zhou (2012); Shiqiong Chen, Libo Wu, Xiao Ma (2013); Li Chen, Ying Zhao (2014); Hui Xu, Yebin Feng, Xin Gu (2015); Mengting He, Pengfei Chen, Lili Guo(2016); Lin Hong, Tongzhi Zhang, Tianyu Tu, Jianhui Wang(2017)


1.       Shuangfeng Yu, Fufei Pang*, Huanhuan Liu, Xianjin Li, Junfeng Yang, and Tingyun Wang, Compositing orbital angular momentum beams in Bi4Ge3O12 crystal for magnetic field sensing, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2017, 111, 091107

2.       Hong Lin, Pang FF*, Liu HH, Xu J, Chen ZY, Zhao ZW, Wang TY, Refractive Index Modulation by Crystallization in Sapphire-Derived Fiber,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2017, 9: 723-726

3.       Zhang Y, Pang FF* , Liu HH , Jin XQ , Huang SJ , Li YC , Wen JX , Chen ZY, Wang M , Wan TY, Generation of the First-Order OAM Modes in Ring Fibers by Exerting Pressure Technology, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2017, 9(2):7101609

4.       Tu TY, Pang FF*, Zhu S, Cheng JJ , Liu HH, Wen JX, Wang TY , Excitation of Bloch surface wave on tapered fiber coated with one-dimensional photonic crystal for refractive index sensing, Optics Express, 2017, 25(8): 9019-9027

5.       Xu J, Liu HH , Pang FF* , Hong L , Ma ZW ,Zhao ZW , Chen N , Chen ZY, Wang TY, Cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometers in crystallized sapphire-derived fiber for temperature-insensitive filters, Optical Materials Express, 2017, 7(4): 1406-1413

6.       Pang FF* , He MT , Liu HH* , Mei XW ,Tao JM , Zhang TZ , Zhang XB, Chen N  ,Wang TY , A Fading-Discrimination Method for Distributed Vibration Sensor Using Coherent Detection of phi-OTDR, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2016, 28(23): 2752-2755

7.       Jin XQ , Pang FF*, Zhang Y , Huang SJ , Li YC , Wen JX, Chen ZY , Wang M , Wang TY , Generation of the First-Order OAM Modes in Single-Ring Fibers by Offset Splicing Technology, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2016, 28(14): 1581-1584

8.       Zhang T , Pang F*, Liu H , Cheng J , Lv L, Zhang X, Chen N , Wang T , A Fiber-Optic Sensor for Acoustic Emission Detection in a High Voltage Cable System, Sensors, 2016, 16(12):2026

9.       Zhu S, Pang FF* , Huang SJ , Zou F, Guo Q, Wen JX, Wang TY , High Sensitivity Refractometer Based on TiO2-Coated Adiabatic Tapered Optical Fiber via ALD Technology, Sensors, 2016, 16(8):1295

10.   Dong YH, Wen JX, Pang FF, Luo YH, Peng GD, Chen ZY, Wang TY*, Formation and photoluminescence property of PbS quantum dots in silica optical fiber based on atomic layer deposition, Optical Materials Express, 2015, 5(4): 712-719

11.   Shan Zhu, Fufei Pang*, Sujuan Huang, Fang Zou, Yanhua Dong, and Tingyun Wang, High sensitivity refractive index sensor based on adiabatic tapered optical fiber deposited with nanofilm by ALD, Optics Express, 2015,23(11): 13880-13888

12.   Zhang SL, Zhao ZW, Chen N*, Pang FF, Chen ZY, Liu YQ, Wang TY, Temperature characteristics of silicon core optical fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer, Optics Letters, 2015, 40(7): 1362-1365

13.   Chen ZY*, Dai ZM, Chen N, Liu SP, Pang FF, Lu B, Wang TY, Gold Nanoparticles-Modified Tapered Fiber Nanoprobe for Remote SERS Detection, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2014, 26(8): 777-780

14.   Ying Zhao, Fufei Pang*, Yanhua Dong, Jianxiang Wen, Zhenyi Chen, and Tingyun Wang, Refractive index sensitivity enhancement of optical fiber cladding mode by depositing nanofilm via ALD technology, Optics Express, 2013,21(22): 26136- 26143

15.   Hairun Guo, Fufei Pang, Xianglong Zeng, Tingyun Wang, Gain characteristics of quantum dot fiber amplifier based on asymmetric tapered fiber coupler, Optical Fiber Technology, 2013, 19(2):143-147

16.   Hairun Guo, Fufei Pang, Xianglong Zeng, Tingyun Wang, PbS quantum dot fiber amplifier based on a tapered SMF fiber, Optics Communications, 2012, 285(13-14):3222-3227

17.   Fufei Pang*, Huanhuan Liu, Hairun Guo, Yunqi Liu, Xianglong Zeng, Na Chen, Zhenyi Chen, and Tingyun Wang, In-Fiber Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Based on Double Cladding Fibers for Refractive Index Sensor, IEEE Sensor Journal, 2011, 11(10): 2395 - 2400

18.   Fufei Pang*, Xiaolan Sun, Hairun Guo, Jiwen Yan, Jing Wang, Xianglong Zeng, and Zhenyi Chen, Tingyun Wang, A PbS quantum dots fiber amplifier excited by evanescent wave, Optics Express, 2010,18(13): 14024-14030

19.   Huanhuan Liu, Fufei Pang*, Hairui Guo, Wenxin Cao, Yunqi Liu, Na Chen, Zhenyi Chen, and Tingyun Wang, In-series double cladding fibers for simultaneous refractive index and temperature measurement, Optics Express, 2010,18(12): 13072-13082

20.   Fufei Pang*, Huanhuan Liu, Na Chen, Yunqi Liu, Xianglong Zeng, Zhenyi Chen and TingyunWang, Cladding-mode resonance of a double-cladding fiber at a near modal cut-off wavelength for RI sensing, Measurement Science and Technology, 2010,21(9): 094028

21.   Fufei Pang*, Wenbin Liang, Wenchao Xiang, Na Chen, Xianglong Zeng, Zhenyi Chen, and Tingyun Wang, Temperature-Insensitivity Bending Sensor Based on Cladding-Mode Resonance of Special Optical Fiber, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2009, 21(2):76-78

22.   Fufei Pang*, Huanhuan Liu, Na Chen, Yunqi Liu, Xianglong Zeng, Zhenyi Chen, Tingyun Wang, In-fiber Michelson interferometer based on double-cladding fiber for refractive index sensing, 20th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, Edinburgh, United kingdom, 2009

23.   Fufei Pang*, Huanhuan Liu, Na Chen, Yunqi Liu, Xianglong Zeng, Zhenyi Chen, Tingyun Wang, Fiber-optic refractive index sensor based on cladding-mode resonance, 20th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, Edinburgh, United kingdom, 2009

24.   Fufei Pang*, Wenchao Xiang, Hairun Guo, Na Chen, Xianglong Zeng, Zhenyi Chen, and Tingyun Wang, Special optical fiber for temperature sensing based on cladding-mode resonance, Optics Express, 2008,16(17):12967-12972 ‍

25.   Fufei Pang*, Xianglong Zeng, Zhenyi Chen and Tingyun Wang. Fabrication and characteristics of silica optical fiber doped with InP nano-semiconductor material. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2007(39):975–981.

26.   Pang Fufei*, Han Xiuyou, Chu Fenghong, Geng Jianxin, Cai Haiwen, Qu Ronghui and Fang Zujie. Sensitivity to alcohols of a planar waveguide ring resonator fabricated by a sol-gel method. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2007, 120(2):610-614.

27.   Pang Fufei*, Liu Feng, Han Xiuyou, Cai Haiwen, Qu Ronghui, and Fang Zujie. Analysis of a second-order polarization-independent filter made of a single ring resonator and a Sagnac interferometer. Optics Communications, 2006, 260(2):567-570.

28.   Fufei Pang*, Xianglong Zeng, Zhenyi Chen and Tingyun Wang. Fabrication and characteristics of optical fiber doped with nano-semiconductor material. ICMAT 2007 Symposium on Microstructured and Nanostructured Optical Fibers, July 2007, Singapore(Invited Paper). 


