张麒  博士,教授








zhangq@shu.edu.cn ; zhangq@t.shu.edu.cn





2005.9 - 2010.7


2008.8 - 2009.8

美国杜克大学(Duke University)生物医学工程系

联合培养博士生(国家留学基金委公派),导师Morton Friedman教授

2001.9 - 2005.7



2020.3 -


2013.3 - 2020.2


2017.10 - 2017.11

英国爱丁堡大学(The University of Edinburgh)医学院,访问学者

2010.7 - 2013.2




代表性论文详见后文英文介绍“Selected Publications






主持中国计算机学会(CCF)-百度松果基金,Paddle Ultrasound —— 面向医学超声影像的乳腺癌智能诊断系统   


















Professional Experience

Mar. 2020 Present

Professor, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China

Mar. 2013 Feb. 2020

Associate Professor, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China

Oct. 2017 - Nov. 2017

Visiting Scholar, Edinburgh Medical School, The University of Edinburgh, UK

Jul. 2010 - Feb. 2013

Lecturer, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China

Jun. 2007 - Sep. 2007

Research Intern, Philips Research East Asia (now Philips Research Asia - Shanghai), Shanghai, China.


Sep. 2005 - Jul. 2010

Ph.D., Department of Electronic Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

Supervisor: Professor Yuanyuan Wang

Aug. 2008 - Aug. 2009

Visiting Ph.D. Student, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.

Supervisor: Professor Morton Friedman

Sep. 2001 - Jul. 2005

B.S., Department of Electronic Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

Research Interests

Biomedical signal and image processing, computer vision, intelligent medicine, computer aided diagnosis and therapeutic effect evaluation.

Selected Publications

1. Changyan Wang, Haobo Chen, Xin Zhou, Meng Wang, Qi Zhang*. SAM-IE: SAM-based image enhancement for facilitating medical image diagnosis with segmentation foundation model. Expert Systems with Applications, 2024, 249, 123795(1-11).

2. Yifei Yan#; Rongzong Liu#; Haobo Chen; Limin Zhang*; Qi Zhang*. CCT-Unet: A U-Shaped Network Based on Convolution Coupled Transformer for Segmentation of Peripheral and Transition Zones in Prostate MRI. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2023, 27(9), 4341 4351.

3. Zhou Xu#, Fei Yu#, Bo Zhang*, Qi Zhang*. Intelligent diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy using transthoracic echocardiography videos. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2022, 226, 107182(1-11).

4. Zhou Xu#, Yuqun Wang#, Man Chen*, Qi Zhang*. Multi-region radiomics for artificially intelligent diagnosis of breast cancer using multimodal ultrasound. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2022, 149, 105920(1-8).

5. Zhou Xu#, Fei Yu#, Bo Zhang*, Qi Zhang*. Intelligent diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy using transthoracic echocardiography videos. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2022, 226, 107182(1-11).

6. Jieyi Liu, Changchun Li, Liping Liu, Haobo Chen, Hong Han, Bo Zhang*, Qi Zhang*. Speckle noise reduction for medical ultrasound images based on cycle-consistent generative adversarial network. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2023, 86, 105150(1-10)

7. Yuqun Wang#, Zhou Xu#, Lei Tang, Qi Zhang*, Man Chen*. The Clinical Application of Artificial Intelligence Assisted Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound on BI-RADS Category 4 Breast Lesions. Academic Radiology, 2023, 30 (S2), S104-S113.

8. Changchun Li#, Yan Liu#, Rui Dong, Tianjie Zhang Ye Song*, Qi Zhang*. Deep learning radiomics on shear wave elastography and b-mode ultrasound videos of diaphragm for weaning outcome prediction. Medical Engineering and Physics, 2024, 123, 104090(1-8).

9. Fengjun Liu#, Qi Zhang#, Chao Huang#, Chunzi Shi#, Lin Wang#, Nannan Shi, et al. CT quantification of pneumonia lesions in early days predicts progression to severe illness in a cohort of COVID-19 patients. Theranostics, 2020; 10(12): 5613-5622. ((#Equal contribution; ESI Highly Cited)

10. Qiuyue Liao#, Qi Zhang#, Xue Feng#, Haibo Huang#, Haohao Xu#, Baoyuan Tian, Jihao Liu, Qihui Yu, Na Guo, Qun Liu, Bo Huang, Ding Ma, Jihui Ai*, Shugong Xu*, Kezhen Li*. Development of deep learning algorithms for predicting blastocyst formation and quality by time-lapse monitoring. Communications Biology, 2021, 4:415(1-9).

11. Haobo Chen, Haohao Xu, Peng Shi, Yuchen Gong, Zhen Qiu, Lei Shi*, Qi Zhang*. 3-D Gabor-based anisotropic diffusion for speckle noise suppression in dynamic ultrasound images. Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 2021, 44: 207219.

12. Nannan Shi, Fengxiang Song, Fengjun Liu, Pengrui Song, Yang Lu, Qinguo Hou, Xinyan Hua, Yun Ling, Jiulong Zhang, Chao Huang, Lei Shi, Zhiyong Zhang, Fei Shan, Qi Zhang*, Yuxin Shi*. Preliminary investigation of relationship between clinical indicators and CT manifestation patterns of COVID-19 pneumonia improvement. Journal of Thoracic Disease, 2020, 12(10):5896-5905.  

13. Qi Zhang*, Shuang Song, Yang Xiao*, et al. Dual-mode artificially-intelligent diagnosis of breast tumours in shear-wave elastography and B-mode ultrasound using deep polynomial networks. Medical Engineering & Physics, 2019, 64, 1-6.

14. Haohao Xu, Yuchen Gong, Xinyi Xia, Dong Li, Zhuangzhi Yan, Jun Shi, and Qi Zhang*. Gabor-based anisotropic diffusion with lattice Boltzmann method for medical ultrasound despeckling. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2019, 16, 75467561.

15. Qi Zhang*, Shuang Song, Yang Xiao*, Shuai Chen, Jun Shi, Hairong Zheng. Dual-mode artificially-intelligent diagnosis of breast tumours in shear-wave elastography and B-mode ultrasound using deep polynomial networks. Medical Engineering & Physics, 2019, 64, 1-6.

16. Qi Zhang*, Jingyu Xiong, Yehua Cai, Jun Shi, Shugong Xu, Bo Zhang*. Multimodal feature learning and fusion on B-mode ultrasonography and sonoelastography using point-wise gated deep networks for prostate cancer diagnosis. Biomedical Engineering-Biomedizinische Technik, 2020, 65(1): 8798.

17. Jun Shi, Zeyu Xue, Yakang Dai, Bo Peng, Yun Dong, Qi Zhang, Yingchun Zhang. Cascaded multi-column RVFL+ classifier for single-modal neuroimaging-based diagnosis of Parkinsons disease. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2019, 66, 2362 2371.

18. Jun Shi, Zheng Li, Shihui Ying, Chaofeng Wang, Qi Zhang, Pingkun Yan. MR image super-resolution via wide residual networks with fixed skip connection. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2019, 23, 1129 - 1140.

19. Jun Shi, Xiao Zheng, Jinjie Wu, Yan Li, Qi Zhang, Shihui Ying. Quaternion Grassmann average network for learning representation of histopathological image. Pattern Recognition. 2019, 89: 67-76.

20. Yechen Zhu, Yangchuan Liu, Qi Zhang, Cishen Zhang, and Xin Gao. A fast iteration approach to undersampled cone-beam CT reconstruction. Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, 2019, 27(1), 111-129.

21. Jun Shi, Xiao Zheng, Yan Li, Qi Zhang, Shihui Ying. Multimodal neuroimaging feature learning with multimodal stacked deep polynomial networks for diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2018, 22(1): 173-183.

22. Bangming Gong, Jun Shi*, Shihui Ying, Yakang Dai, Qi Zhang, Yun Dong, Hedi An, Yingchun Zhang. Neuroimaging-based diagnosis of Parkinsons disease with deep neural mapping large margin distribution machine. Neurocomputing. 2018, 320: 141-149.

23. Jun Shi, Qingping Liu, Chaofeng Wang, Qi Zhang, Shihui Ying, Haoyu Xu. Super-resolution reconstruction of MR image with a novel residual learning network Algorithm. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 2018, 63(8):085011.

24. Qi Zhang*, Jingfeng Suo, Wanying Chang, Jun Shi, Man Chen*. Dual-modal computer-assisted evaluation of axillary lymph node metastasis in breast cancer patients on both real-time elastography and B-mode ultrasound. European Journal of Radiology, 2017, 95, 6674.

25. Qi Zhang*, Yang Xiao, Jingfeng Suo, Jun Shi, Jinhua Yu, Yi Guo, Yuanyuan Wang, Hairong Zheng. Sonoelastomics for Breast Tumor Classification: A Radiomics Approach with Clustering-Based Feature Selection on Sonoelastography. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 2017, 43(5), 1058-1069.

26. Qi Zhang, Yehua Cai, Yinghui Hua, Jun Shi, Yuanyuan Wang, Yi Wang. Sonoelastography shows that Achilles tendons with insertional tendinopathy are harder than asymptomatic tendons. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2017, 25, 18391848.

27. Qi Zhang*, Congcong Yuan, Wei Dai, Lei Tang, Jun Shi, Zuoyong Li, Man Chen*. Evaluating pathologic response of breast cancer to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with computer-extracted features from contrast-enhanced ultrasound videos. Physica Medica, 2017, 39, 156163.

28. Qi Zhang*, Jing Yao, Yehua Cai, Limin Zhang, Yishuo Wu, Jingyu Xiong, Jun Shi, Yuanyuan Wang, Yi Wang. Elevated hardness of peripheral gland on real-time elastography is an independent marker for high-risk prostate cancers. Radiologia Medica, 2017, 122(12):944-951.

29. Huaipeng Dong, Qi Zhang*, Jun Shi. Intensity Inhomogeneity Compensation and Tissue Segmentation for Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Noise-Suppressed Multiplicative Intrinsic Component Optimization. Optical Engineering, 2017, 56(12), 123103(1-12).

30. Jun Shi, Jinjie Wu, Yan Li, Qi Zhang, Shihui Ying*. Histopathological Image Classification with Color Pattern Random Binary Hashing Based PCANet and Matrix-Form Classifier. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2017, 21 (5): 1327-1337.

31. Zeju Li, Yuanyuan Wang, Jinhua Yu, Yi Guo, Qi Zhang. Age groups related glioblastoma study based on radiomics approach. Computer Assisted Surgery, 2017, 22, S1, 18-25.

32. Junjie Zhang, Jie Yin, Qi Zhang, Jun Shi*, Yan Li. Robust sound event classification with bilinear multi-column ELM-AE and two-stage ensemble learning. EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing. 2017, 11.

33. Qi Zhang, Yang Xiao, Wei Dai, Jingfeng Suo, Congzhi Wang, Jun Shi, Hairong Zheng. Deep learning based classification of breast tumors with shear-wave elastography. Ultrasonics, 2016, 72, 150-157.

34. Jun Shi, Shichong Zhou, Xiao Liu, Qi Zhang, Minhua Lu, Tianfu Wang. Stacked deep polynomial network based representation learning for tumor classification with small ultrasound image dataset. Neurocomputing, 2016, 194, 8794.

35. Qi Zhang, Chaolun Li, Hong Han, Wei Dai, Jun Shi, Yuanyuan Wang, Wenping Wang:  Spatio-temporal quantification of carotid plaque neovascularization on contrast enhanced ultrasound: Correlation with visual grading and histopathology. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 2015, 50, 289-296.

Professional Societies

Shanghai Key Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence for Medical Image and Knowledge Graph (Academic Committee)

Chinese Association for Biomedical Engineering (Youth Committee)

Chinese Association for Scientific Instrument (Youth Committee)

Shanghai Society of Biomedical Engineers (Ultrasonic Medical Engineering Committee)

Chinese Association for Ultrasonic Medical Engineering (member)

Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineers (member)

