

张舜卿 教授、博导、IEEE Senior Member




上海市宝山区上大路99号 tyc1286太阳集团





English Version




张舜卿教授拥有10余年的无线通信前沿研究经验,在IEEE Com. Sur. & Tutor.IEEE Com. Mag.IEEE Trans. on Commun.IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun.等国际知名期刊和IEEE ICCIEEE Globecom等国际会议上发表相关论文五十余篇, 拥有美国及中国授权专利40余项,第一发明人超过20项,主持/参与过国家“863计划”主题项目和国家“973计划”A类项目等国家级研究项目,并担任过多项高校-企业联合研究项目的负责人和骨干成员。



2017.03 - 至今     tyc1286太阳集团      教授

2015.01 - 2017.03  英特尔移动网络与计算联合研究院  院长兼高级科学家

2009.09 - 2014.12  华为技术有限公司                高级工程师



2005.9-2009.6 香港科技大学电子与计算机工程系 哲学博士

2001.9-2005.6 复旦大学微电子学系             理学学士






(1)   2018-2020年,国家自然科学基金青年项目,61701293, 主持。

(2)   2013-2014年 国家863计划主题项目“面向绿色网络的实验系统研发与验证”,2958万元。

(3)   2011-2016年 国家973计划项目(A类)“能效与资源优化的超蜂窝移动通信系统”,3600万元。



1.  S. Zhang, Q. Wu, S. Xu and G. Y. Li, Fundamental Green Tradeoffs: Progresses, Challenges and Impacts on 5G Networks, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 19, no.1, pp. 33-56, First Quarter 2017. (IEEE ComSoc 影响因子最大的杂志,IF = 9.22)

2.  X. Xu, G. He, S. Zhang, Y. Chen and S. Xu, On Functionality Separation for Green Mobile Networks: Concept Study over LTE, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.49, no.6, pp. 30-37. (IF = 5.125)

3.  C. Xiong, G. Y. Li, S. Zhang, Y. Chen and S. Xu, Energy-efficient Resource Allocation in OFDMA Networks, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.60, no.12, pp. 3767-3778, Dec. 2012. (ESI 高被引论文,IF = 2.298)

4.  C. Xiong, G. Y. Li, S. Zhang, Y. Chen and S. Xu, Energy- and Spectral-Efficiency Tradeoff in Downlink OFDMA Networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.10, no.11, pp. 3874-3886. (ESI 高被引论文,IF = 2.925)

5.  G. Y. Li, Z. Xu, C. Xiong, S. Zhang, Y. Chen and S. Xu, Energy-efficient Wireless Communications: Tutorial, Survey, and Open Issues, IEEE Wireless Communications, vol.18, no.6, pp. 28-35, Dec. 2011. (IEEE ComSoc Best Readings, ESI热点论文,SCI他引200+Google Scholar 500+, IF = 4.148)

6.  Y. Chen, S. Zhang, S. Xu and G. Y. Li, Fundamental Trade-offs on Green Wireless Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.49, no.6, pp. 30-37, Jun. 2011. (IEEE ComSoc Best Readings, ESI热点论文,SCI他引300+Google Scholar 800+, IF = 5.125)










Prof. Shunqing Zhang, Ph.D Advisor, IEEE Senior Member


B403, School of Comm. & Info. Engineering

Mail Address

School of Comm. & Info. Engineering, No. 99 Shangda Rd, Shanghai

Zip Code








Prof. Shunqing Zhang has more than 10 years experience of cutting-edge research in wireless communication. He has published more than 50 papers in IEEE top journals including IEEE Communication Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE Communications Magazines, IEEE Transactions on Communication, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, as well as IEEE top conferences, such as ICC and Globecom. He has hold more than 40 US and Chinese patents, and been a principle investigator for National 863 Plan and National 973 Plan (A Class) projects as well as many joint collaborative research projects.


Professional Experience

2017.03 - Now     School of Comm. & Info. Eng., Shanghai University  Professor

2015.01 - 2017.03  ICRI of Mobile Networking & Computing, Intel Labs  Director & Senior Research Scientist

2009.09 - 2014.12  Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Senior Engineer


Education Background

2005.09 - 2009.06  Hong Kong University of Science and Technology  Ph. D.

2001.09 - 2005.06  Fudan University  B.Sc.


Main Research Interests

5G/5G+ mobile communication systems, green wireless communication, next generation WiFi networks, hybrid computing platforms


Research Funding

1.  2013-2014  National 863 Plan Main ProjectResearch, development and verification for green networks, 29.58 million RMB.

22011-2016 National 973 Project (A Class)Energy efficiency and resource optimized hyper-cellular mobile communication systems,36 million RMB.


Selected Publications

1.    S. Zhang, Q. Wu, S. Xu and G. Y. Li, Fundamental Green Tradeoffs: Progresses, Challenges and Impacts on 5G Networks, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 19, no.1, pp. 33-56, First Quarter 2017. (Highest impact factor in IEEE Communication Society, IF = 9.22)

2.    X. Xu, G. He, S. Zhang, Y. Chen and S. Xu, On Functionality Separation for Green Mobile Networks: Concept Study over LTE, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.49, no.6, pp. 30-37. (IF = 5.125)

3.  C. Xiong, G. Y. Li, S. Zhang, Y. Chen and S. Xu, Energy-efficient Resource Allocation in OFDMA Networks, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.60, no.12, pp. 3767-3778, Dec. 2012. (ESI highly cited paper, IF = 2.298)

4.  C. Xiong, G. Y. Li, S. Zhang, Y. Chen and S. Xu, Energy- and Spectral-Efficiency Tradeoff in Downlink OFDMA Networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.10, no.11, pp. 3874-3886. (ESI highly cited paper, IF = 2.925)

5.    G. Y. Li, Z. Xu, C. Xiong, S. Zhang, Y. Chen and S. Xu, Energy-efficient Wireless Communications: Tutorial, Survey, and Open Issues, IEEE Wireless Communications, vol.18, no.6, pp. 28-35, Dec. 2011. (IEEE ComSoc Best Readings, ESI hot paperSCI Citation 200+Google Scholar 500+, IF = 4.148)

6.    Y. Chen, S. Zhang, S. Xu and G. Y. Li, Fundamental Trade-offs on Green Wireless Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.49, no.6, pp. 30-37, Jun. 2011. (IEEE ComSoc Best Readings, ESI hot paperSCI Citation 300+Google Scholar 800+, IF = 5.125)


